Apply for a grant

The Cancer Research Trust invites applications for grants to support New Zealand-based initiatives that will lead to improvements in the prevention, detection, diagnosis or treatment of cancer, or improvements in palliative care.

Apply for Funding

We offer two funding rounds per year for conference and training course grants. There is one round per year for projects, senior fellowships and scholarships. Our funding round process also identifies excellent, impactful projects that may be funded by our partners Breast Cancer Cure and Melanoma New Zealand.

Create an application at our online portal at

Application closing dates

Award Closing Date Outcome Date

Professional Development Awards Round 1 for travel after 1 June 2024 - maximum $3,000

Friday 1 March 2024

26 March 2024

Professional Development Awards Round 2 for travel after 1 Jan 2025 - maximum $3,000

Friday 20 September 2024

end October 2024

Cancer Education Development Fund - conference, community engagement, hui or training course - maximum $5,000

Friday 1 March 2024

Friday 20 September 2024

26 March 2024

end October 2024

Research Project Grants - maximum $80,000

Friday 2 August 2024

end October 2024

Special Purpose Grants - maximum $80,000

Friday 2 August 2024

end October 2024

Postgraduate Scholarship

Friday 20 September 2024

end October 2024

John Gavin Postdoctoral Fellowship

Friday 20 September 2024

end October 2024

Murray Jackson Clinical Fellowship (Medical)

Friday 20 September 2024

end October 2024

Clinical Fellowship for Cancer Nurses

Friday 20 September 2024

end October 2024

These initiatives can be in the field of cancer-related public health, or biomedical, clinical, epidemiological or psychosocial research & may relate to:

  • Education and training of students embarking on careers related to cancer care and/or cancer research
  • Continuing professional development of individuals involved in cancer care and/or cancer research
  • Event support for invited speakers at conferences or support for training courses
  • Hypothesis-based research in the field of cancer-related public health, cancer prevention, cancer treatment or the delivery of palliative care.
  • Other projects or activities related to cancer.

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